

Business Instalment Loan

Just a few simple steps, SMEs could obtain funds timely to seize business opportunities with Business Instalment Loan via SME Online Onboarding and Loan Application Platform (the "Platform").


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Key Facts Statement

Features & Benefits

  • Loan amount up to HK$ 2,000,000
  • Loan tenor up to 36 months
  • Save the hassles to submit physical documents* by providing IADS consent
    Simply provide IADS consent for sharing deposit account data from other banks during loan application, SMEs are no longer required to submit bank statements and other physical documents*.
  • Account opening and loan approval in as fast as 1 working day^


* Depending on individual application circumstances, the Bank may require customers to provide additional documents for approval.
^ Account opening and loan approval can be completed as soon as the next working day after the customer submits the application. Customers must fulfill the eligibility and have submitted the required documents or information. Account opening and loan services are subject to relevant terms and conditions.


  • Locally-incorporated with operation at least one year at the time of application
  • Director(s) / partner(s) / sole owner being HKID holders
  • Sole proprietorship, partnership and limited company with single layer shareholding structure
  • Personal guarantees are provided by a person or a group of persons who are beneficially entitled to more than 50% of the issued capital or equity interest of your company.



The Interbank Account Data Sharing (IADS) programme is formulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and launched with the support of the banking industry. The IADS programme has established the rules and standards facilitating interbank customer-consented data sharing. This allows customers to securely and efficiently share their bank account data from one participating bank (Data Providing Bank) to other participating banks (Data Consuming Bank), subject to customer consent. Account data sharing could help digitalise banking operations, strengthen risk management of banks, and enhance customer experience.

For more details about the programme, please refer to HKMA Interbank Account Data Sharing (IADS) webpage or our Frequently Asked Questions.

Use cases

  • Loan application:
    • Account transaction data can help the Bank to better understand the financial situations of customers, thereby streamlining and expediting the loan application process.
  • Consolidated account views:
    • By consolidating and analysing customers' account data across different banks, the Bank can offer tailored services to customers, thereby enhancing the customer experience. This service is for selected customers only, please contact your relationship manager if you have any enquiries.


  • The Digital Banker Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards 2024 - Outstanding Digital Innovation in SME Banking
  • CAHK STAR Awards 2024 - Best FinTech Award Gold Award

Terms and Conditions


Reminders about Responsible Borrowing

  • You should have a clear understanding of your financial condition, daily expenses, and actual borrowing needs.
  • You should have assessed your repayment ability and avoid over-borrowing.
  • You should repay any outstanding balance on time to avoid late payment charges and additional overdue interest charged by the bank.
  • To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

In case you wish to enquire whether a third party is appointed by our Bank for referring credit card or loan application, please contact customer service hotline 2818 0282.


Please visit any of our branches or call our hotline at (852) 2818 0282 for more details.

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