We offer all-round RMB deposits services, including savings accounts, checking accounts and fixed deposits accounts, to help you earn higher returns on interest.
The RMB No Passbook Savings Account lets you freely manage your RMB deposits to make wealth management easy and convenient.
We accept the applications of both Hong Kong residents & non-Hong Kong residents for RMB deposit services. Customers who are non-Hong Kong residents are required to inform the Bank in writing immediately if they have subsequently obtained a Hong Kong identity card after opening their RMB accounts. Upon receipt of such notification, their RMB accounts shall change to a Hong Kong resident RMB account.
Check RMB Deposit Interest Rate Check documentation required to open an account
Risk Disclosure Statement
RMB is subject to exchange rate risk. RMB is not freely convertible. Conversion of RMB for customer is subject to the requirements specified by the Bank and /or Relevant Authorities from time to time.
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