

RMB Services

RMB Fixed Deposits Account

Our RMB Fixed Deposits Account offers flexible deposit periods, allowing you to manage wealth with higher interest regardless of market fluctuations.

Service Benefits

  • Flexible deposit periods, including:
    • 1 or 2 weeks
    • 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 or 24 months
  • A confirmation is issued for each deposit, showing details of each transaction, including the principal deposit amount, interest rate and maturity date
  • Automatic renewal services are available for your convenience
  • You can set up a fixed deposit placement or renewal instructions via Internet Banking, Phone Banking or at any of our branches

Fixed deposits with a maturity exceeding 5 years are not protected deposits and are not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.


Customer Notice

We accept the applications of both Hong Kong residents & non-Hong Kong residents for RMB deposit services. Customers who are non-Hong Kong residents are required to inform the Bank in writing immediately if they have subsequently obtained a Hong Kong identity card after opening their RMB accounts. Upon receipt of such notification, their RMB accounts shall change to a Hong Kong resident RMB account.


Act Now

img01Check RMB Deposit Interest Rate img03Check documentation required to open an account

Terms & Conditions



Risk Disclosure Statement

RMB is subject to exchange rate risk. RMB is not freely convertible. Conversion of RMB for customer is subject to the requirements specified by the Bank and /or Relevant Authorities from time to time.

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