

Currency Linked Deposits

Currency-linked deposits combine traditional time deposits and currency option contracts. Let you to have additional interest derived from option premiums at the same time.

Main Features

  • Extra Interest Return
    By making use of foreign exchange movements, you can earn substantially higher returns than you would with a traditional time deposit based on the pre-determined premium interest rate.
  • A Wide Selection of Currencies
    We offer 10 currency choices – HKD, USD, AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD and RMB – allowing you a wide range of combinations.
  • Low Minimum Deposit Requirement
    Only US$5,000 (or equivalent) is needed to set up a CLD. Simply choose a conversion rate between the two selected currencies ("Conversion Rate") that suits your investment objectives and risk tolerance.
  • Flexible Deposit Tenors
    You can choose different deposit tenors ranging from 1 week to 6 months, giving you higher flexibility in reaching investment goals and pursuing prosperity.

For details of other Structured Products, please visit our branch.

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Risk Disclosure Statement

- Investment involves risks. The following risk disclosure statement cannot disclose all the risks involved and does not take into account any circumstances that are unknown to the Bank. The price of investment products may go up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying or selling investment products. Any past performance figures shown are not indicative of futures performance. Part of the investment may not be able to liquidate immediately under certain market situation. Customers should refer to relevant offering documents for detailed information, including but not limited to Risk Disclosures, prior to any investment subscription.
- The products described herein may not be suitable for all people. The decisions to invest are made by customers and customers should not invest in investment products unless the intermediary selling them has explained to them that the product is suitable for them having regard to customers' financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Customers should not make any investment decisions based on this document alone. Customers must make their own assessment of the information provided in this document. Customers should carefully consider whether any investment products or services mentioned herein are appropriate for them in view of their financial situations, investment experiences and investment objectives. If customers have any doubt about this material or any relevant offering document, they should consult their own independent advisers on the legal, regulatory, tax, investment and financial implications of the investments (including but not limited to estate duty and withholding tax and other tax obligations which may arise from local or foreign investment) as they deem appropriate to ensure that they understand the nature of the investments in order to consider whether the investments are suitable investments for them.
- Currency Linked Deposit is a structured investment product that involves derivatives. This product is not the same as buying the Linked Currency directly, and is not bank deposits and not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. Customers are not allowed to withdraw the deposit before the due date. The amount of gain is limited to the pre-determined interest rate no matter how high the exchange rate of the Linked Currency has increased. Currency Linked Deposit is embedded with a currency option. Option transactions involve risks, especially when selling an option. Although the premium received from selling an option is fixed, you may sustain a loss well in excess of such premium amount. Your loss could be substantial. Investing in this product is subject to the credit risk of the Bank.
- Foreign currency investments are subject to exchange rate fluctuations which may result in losses. If the investment is denominated in a foreign currency or invest in assets denominated in a currency other than the base currency, you may face an exchange rate risk or exchange controls or any other restrictions which the return or amount you receive after redemption may be reduced. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of foreign currency may result in losses in the event that customer converts the foreign currency into Hong Kong dollars or other foreign currencies. If RENMINBI is involved in the investment product(s), offshore RENMINBI exchange rate will be quoted. The offshore RENMINBI exchange rate may be at a premium or discount to the exchange rate for onshore RENMINBI and there may be significant bid and offer spreads. RENMINBI is subject to exchange rate risk, RENMINBI is currently not freely convertible. Customers should be aware that they can conduct conversion of RENMINBI through bank accounts, for which it is subject to the requirements specified by the Relevant Authorities from time to time (the requirements may amend from time to time without any prior notice) the requirements specified by the Bank and/or the RMB position and commercial decisions of the Bank at that moment.

Important Notes
  • The information of this web page has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong or any regulatory authorities in Hong Kong.
  • The Bank classifies investment products into 5 levels, from the most conservative at "Low" to the most aggressive at "High". It consolidates an array of quantitative-measured market and non-market risk factors as well as a number of qualitative factors. The quantitatively-measured factors include currency risk, interest rate risk, equity price risk/commodity price risk/interest rate price risk and fund price risk whenever applicable, as well as credit risk, complexity risk, liquidity risk, and non-quantifiable risks including reputation risk, legal risk, and strategic risk. Qualitative factors include industry risks, economic and political environments, regulatory restrictions or expected developments, industry practices, and the Bank's own experience. Each of these factors may have a direct or indirect impact on a product's risk profile and its ultimate risk score. The ultimate risk rating is based on risk rating scale calculation as well as the Bank's professional judgement. The risk rating will be subjected to periodic review as well as ad-hoc basis review in case of material events triggering to ensure its appropriateness and effectiveness to demonstrate the risk level of the product.
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