

Pre-approved Principal Payment Holiday Scheme

Pre-approved Principal Payment Holiday Scheme

We have been supporting the Pre-approved Principal Payment Holiday Scheme ("Scheme")* for eligible corporate customers which are previously affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The Scheme has already expired at the end of July 2023. From now, we are supporting the Scheme to move from tiding corporates over the pandemic to facilitating their return to normal repayment gradually with the Enhanced Partial Principal Repayment (Enhanced PPR) arrangement*.



Call us on 2921 2060 or contact your Relationship Manager

Key Features^:

  • Enhanced PPR Options* (applicable only to borrowers currently participating under the scheme):
  • For instalment loans, borrowers may choose to repay 20% of original principal repayment amount over a period of 18 months or 50% of original principal repayment amount over a period of 30 months. The loan tenor should generally be extended accordingly*.
  • For trade facilities, loans with bullet payment falling due within 12 months and outstanding balances of revolving facilities, basis on the actual circumstances, borrowers may discuss with the Bank for repayment of the amount due by regular instalments over a period of 24 months*.

* Subject to detailed terms and conditions.

^ Further enhancement measures to the Scheme have been announced by the HKMA in August 2020, September 2020, January 2021, March 2021, July 2021, September 2021, January 2022, February 2022, July 2022, September 2022, October 2022, April 2023 and July 2023 respectively. Eligible corporate customers in need of the Enhanced PPR Options* may call our SME hotline on 2921 2060 or contact your relationship manager for more details.

Reminders about Responsible Borrowing
  • You should have a clear understanding of your financial condition, daily expenses, and actual borrowing needs.
  • You should have assessed your repayment ability and avoid over-borrowing.
  • You should repay any outstanding balance on time to avoid late payment charges and additional overdue interest charged by the bank.
  • To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
In case you wish to enquire whether a third party is appointed by our Bank for referring credit card or loan application, please contact customer service hot line 2818 0282.
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