

Sustainable Investing / ESG Investment


Risk Disclosure Statement:

- Investment involves risks. The following risk disclosure statement cannot disclose all the risks involved and does not take into account any circumstances that are unknown to the Bank. The price of investment products may go up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying or selling investment products. Any past performance figures shown are not indicative of futures performance. Part of the investment may not be able to liquidate immediately under certain market situation. Customers should refer to relevant offering documents for detailed information, including but not limited to Risk Disclosures, prior to any investment subscription.
- The products described herein may not be suitable for all people. The decisions to invest are made by customers and customers should not invest in investment products unless the intermediary selling them has explained to them that the product is suitable for them having regard to customers’ financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Customers should not make any investment decisions based on this document alone. Customers must make their own assessment of the information provided in this document. Customers should carefully consider whether any investment products or services mentioned herein are appropriate for them in view of their financial situations, investment experiences and investment objectives. If customers have any doubt about this material or any relevant offering document, they should consult their own independent advisers on the legal, regulatory, tax, investment and financial implications of the investments (including but not limited to estate duty and withholding tax and other tax obligations which may arise from local or foreign investment) as they deem appropriate to ensure that they understand the nature of the investments in order to consider whether the investments are suitable investments for them.
Important Notes
  • The information of this web page has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong or any regulatory authorities in Hong Kong.
  • This document is for general information and reference only and does not constitute any offer, solicitation, invitation, advice or recommendation to subscribe, trade, redeem or sell for any deposits or investments. No representation, guarantee or other assurance as to the outcome of any investment has been made or will be given to you by or on behalf of the Bank.
  • This document contains information from third party, which may be incomplete or simplified. Although the information herein contained is obtained or compiled from sources the Bank believes to be reliable, it has not been independently verified. The Bank cannot and does not represent or warrant the accuracy, validity, reliability, timeliness or completeness of any such information (whether in whole or in part), and accepts no liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of such information or opinions (unless due to the negligence or wilful default of the Bank, the Bank’s authorised officers, employees or agents). The Bank reserves the right to amend all or any part in this document, which all views, forecasts and estimates constitute judgments made before the publication date, and are subject to change without further notice.
  • This document contains certain statements that may be deemed as forward-looking statements involving risks and uncertainties. Customers should be aware that actual results may differ materially from those projected, estimated, assumed or anticipated in any such forward-looking statements due to different factors, risks and economic situation.
  • The Bank and its affiliates or subsidiaries, and/or their officers, directors, agents and employees may have positions in and may trade for their own account in all or any of the securities or investments mentioned in this document. Commission or other fees may be earned by the Bank respect of the services provided by them relating to these securities or investments.
  • The information herein contained may not be reproduced, quoted, distributed, disclosed or published (whether in whole or in part) in any media for any purpose without prior express written consent from the Bank. The Bank accepts no liability for any loss arising from or in reliance upon such information or contents. This document is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution would be contrary to the laws or regulations.
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