

General Insurance

Domestic Helper Insurance Plan

According to the Employees' Compensation Ordinance, employers of domestic helpers must arrange an Employees' Compensation Insurance policy for their domestic helpers. Quick and easy to apply to, our Domestic Helper Insurance Plan offers protection to both employers and domestic helpers.

Product Highlights

  • Employer's Liability Protection
    This plan protects you against your liability as an employer under Employees' Compensation Ordinance arising from your domestic helper's injuries at work up to a limit of HK$100,000,000.
  • Personal Accident Protection to Domestic Helper
    Offers coverage to your domestic helper for the death or loss of limbs/sight as a result of injury caused by violent & external accident during rest days not in the course of and arising out of employment up to a limit of HK$100,000.
  • Hospitalization, Surgical Operation and Out-Patient Expense Protection
    Covers medical expenses arising from your domestic helper's hospitalization, surgical operation and out-patient treatment.
  • Two-Year Period Policy Saves Money Upon Renewal
    All plans have either a one-year or two-year policy period for clients to choose between. By purchasing a two-year policy, clients can enjoy a higher premium discount and save time and trouble upon their annual renewal.

Apply Online Now

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Coverage Comprehensive Plan
  Limit of Indemnity (HK$)
1. Employees' Compensation
Employer's liability under the Employees' Compensation Ordinance and at Common Law for their employees' injuries at work
100,000,000 per event
2. Temporary Helper Subsidy
Subsidy for employing a temporary helper if the original helper is hospitalised due to an accident or sickness
200 per day
(Max. 30 days)
3. Repatriation Costs of Domestic Helper
Repatriation expenses incurred due to serious sickness or injury, certified by a medical practitioner as rendering the helper unable to work, or the return of the body/ashes to their home country if the helper dies
4. Personal Accident Benefits to Domestic Helper
Death or loss of limbs/sight as a result of injury caused by violent & external accident during rest days not in the course of and arising out of employment
5. Hospitalisation Expenses
Surgical operation fee, room & board, other hospital charges incurred from accident or sickness
Total 20,000 per year
5,000 per claim
Room & Board 300 per day
6. Outpatient Treatment Expenses Total 2,000 per year
Expenses for consulting a registered medical practitioner, specialist & pathologist 200 per visit
Expenses for consulting a registered dentist 2/3 of expenses and
Max. 300 per visit
7. Change of Locks
Expenses for changing your door lock after the dismissal of your domestic helper due to conviction of criminal offence
500 each year
8. Temporary Helper Subsidy
Expenses for employing a temporary helper after dismissal of your domestic helper due to conviction of criminal offence
200 per day and
Max. 30 days

Premium Table

  Comprehensive Plan
One-year policy HK$794.76
Two-year policy HK$1,433.36


  1. Age limit of the domestic helper is 18 to 59 (both inclusive).
  2. IA Levy collected by the Insurance Authority ("IA") shall be imposed on insurance policy at the applicable rate in accordance with the law. For further information, please visit www.ia.org.hk.
  3. The premium includes employees' compensation levy (EC Levy) and IA Levy.

Major Exclusions

Sections 4 to 6

  • Bodily injury or sickness as a result of insanity or the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • Suicide or intentional self-inflicted injury;
  • Bodily injury or sickness arising from motorcycling, racing, hunting, mountaineering, diving, parachuting or other dangerous sports or professional sports;
  • Incident caused by pregnancy, childbirth, or miscarriage;
  • Diseases arising from HIV and/or AIDS;

Sections 5 to 6

  • Bodily injury or sickness happening within 15 days from the effective date of the Domestic Helper;
  • Cosmetic surgery;
  • Pre-existing medical conditions prior to the inception of the policy;
  • Routine body check & examination;
  • Teeth cleaning and crowning;

All Sections

  • Bodily injury or sickness sustained outside the Hong Kong SAR;
  • Incident as a result of war;
  • Ionizing radiation from nuclear fuel.


No excesses are applied to the SCB Domestic Helper Insurance Plan.



Is there any age limit under the SCB Domestic Helper Insurance Plan?

Yes, the age limit of the domestic helper is 18 to 59.

Can the domestic helper work for more than one "Place of Employment"?

Definitely not.

Is the employer required to arrange an Employees' Compensation Insurance policy for the domestic helper?

Yes. According to the Employees' Compensation Ordinance, an employer has to arrange an Employees' Compensation Insurance policy for all employees for their injury or death at work, and a domestic helper is considered an employee.

What should I do if my domestic helper is replaced?

Please provide us with the effective date of the change and the personal information of the new domestic helper, such as a copy of his/her passport. We will update the policy accordingly.

Will all the benefits under the plan be effective on the policy inception date?

The medical expenses of hospitalisation and outpatient (Benefits under Section 5 and 6) are not payable for sickness which happens within 15 days from the effective date of the domestic helper. Other benefits take effect immediately.

Tips for Filing a Claim

Please note the following and submit the required supporting documents when filing a claim:

  1. Employees' compensation claim
    • Report the case to the Labour Department within 14 days for bodily injury and 7 days for fatal injury
    • Complete and submit Form 2 or 2B to the Labour Department
    • Submit a copy of the Form 2 or 2B to us
    • Submit all the original sick leave certificates to us and keep a copy of each for your own records
  2. Medical expenses
    • Provide the original medical bills and receipts, medical report and discharge slip showing the name of the patient, time of consultation, expenses and diagnosis

Claims Service Hotline
(852) 2290 3560



  1. The general insurance product is underwritten by Paofoong Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited ("Paofoong Insurance"). Paofoong Insurance is authorized and regulated by the Insurance Authority to carry on general insurance business in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  2. Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited ("The Bank") is the Appointed Insurance Agency (Insurance Agency License Number FA3130) of Paofoong Insurance, and the general insurance product is a product of Paofoong Insurance but not the Bank. Profoong Insurance reserves the right to decide at its sole discretion to accept or decline any application of the general insurance plan.
  3. Paofoong Insurance is a subsidiary of the Bank.
  4. The Bank and Paofoong Insurance reserve the right to amend or terminate the terms and conditions for the relevant premium discount without prior notice to customers. In case of any disputes, the decision of the Bank and Paofoong Insurance shall be final.
  5. The above information is for reference only and is intended to be distributed in Hong Kong only, it shall not be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer or recommendation to purchase or sale or provision of any products of Paofoong Insurance outside Hong Kong and will not constitute any part of the insurance policy document. Please refer to the policy document and provision issued by Paofoong Insurance for detailed terms and conditions, scope of coverage, exclusions and premium of this insurance plan.
  6. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) between the Bank and the customer arising out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the product shall be resolved directly between the customer and Paofoong Insurance.
  7. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the above information, the English version shall prevail.

Download Document

Leaflet and Proposal Form
Policy Document
Claim Form
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