China Medical Card
The SCB China Medical Card is tailor-made for individuals who travel frequently between Mainland China and Hong Kong. When the Insured is injured in an accident or gets sickness in Mainland China and required to admit to hospital. He/she will be entitled to receive medical treatment at over 200 appointed hospitals, with the medical expenses settled by the plan so that he/she can focus on receiving treatment.
Product Highlights
- Include Medical Expenses Arising out of Accidents and Sicknesses
The SCB China Medical Card covers medical expenses resulting from both accidents and sicknesses. The maximum benefit payable for medical expenses is HK$500,000 per each injury or sickness including inpatient and outpatient and follow-up treatments after returning to Hong Kong.
- Extensive Hospital Network
More than 200 hospitals in Mainland China have been appointed to the plan. The insured can enjoy peace of mind, as the insurance company will settle his/her medical bills for treatment received in these appointed hospitals.
- 24-hour Medical Emergency Assistance
This includes the hospital deposit guarantee, transportation of medical services and medical supplies to the scene, and emergency medical evacuation or repatriation, etc.
- Personal Liability Protection
The plan offers free personal liability coverage up to HK$2,000,000, protecting the Insured against personal liability for bodily injury/death and/or property damage caused to third parties in Mainland China during the trip.
Coverage |
Limit of Indemnity
per Injury / Sickness (HK$) |
Standard Plan |
Premier Plan |
1. Personal Accident |
- Death caused by accident in Mainland China
300,000 |
500,000 |
- Loss/loss of use or total paralysis of one or more limbs or total loss of sight in one or both eyes within 12 months from the date of the accident in Mainland China
300,000 |
500,000 |
2. Medical Expenses |
- Medical expenses incurred in Mainland China due to accident and/or sickness, including in- and outpatient treatment, room & board, and surgical and doctor's fees
300,000 |
500,000 |
- Follow-up treatment within 90 days after returning to Hong Kong
75,000 |
125,000 |
- Ambulance transport expenses from appointed hospital to railway station, ferry station or airport
150 |
150 |
3. Personal Liability |
- Legal liability for bodily injury and/or property damage to a third party in Mainland China during the trip
1,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
4. 24-hour Medical Emergency Assistance
If the Insured Person suffers bodily injury in accident or gets sickness in Mainland China, call the 24-hour Emergency Assistance Hotline to receive the assistance below: |
- Hospital admission deposit guarantee
40,000 |
40,000 |
- Emergency medical evacuation or repatriation
Actual expenses |
Actual expenses |
- Expenses in transporting mortal remains to Hong Kong
Actual expenses |
Actual expenses |
- If the Insured Person sustains serious bodily injury or sickness and is confined in hospital for over 7 consecutive days, the insurance will pay the cost of a round-trip economy class air ticket and reasonable accommodation expenses for the visit of a relative or friend. Maximum accommodation expense is HK$1,000 per day.
10,000 |
15,000 |
- In the event of the death or serious bodily injury or sickness of the Insured Person, the insurance will pay for the return to Hong Kong of his/her unattended children under the age of 17
10,000 |
15,000 |
- Transportation of medical services and medical supplies to the scene
8,000 |
10,000 |
- Reservation or booking of air, train or ship ticket
Referral only |
Referral only |
- Emergency cash remittance service
Referral only |
Referral only |
- Telephone medical advice, interpreter and legal adviser referral
Referral only |
Referral only |
- Age limit is from 18 to 70 (both inclusive).
- Maximum number of days per trip is 100 and unlimited trips.
- If the Insured Person is admitted to one of the appointed hospitals, the insurance company will settle the medical bill with the hospital directly and up to the maximum insured amount.
- If the Insured Person stays in any other non-appointed hospitals, he/she is required to settle the medical bill with the hospital first and then submit his/her claim to the insurance company.
- The 24-hour emergency service is provided by Inter Partner Assistance Hong Kong Limited.
Premium Table
IA Levy collected by the Insurance Authority ("IA") shall be imposed on insurance policy at the applicable rate in accordance with the law. For further information, please visit
The following premiums do not include IA Levy.
Annual Premium (HK$) |
Standard Plan |
Premier Plan |
Clerical occupation |
488 |
699 |
Non-clerical occupation |
588 |
888 |
Major Exclusions
- Medical expenses not incurred in Mainland China (except for follow up treatments in Hong Kong);
- Non-essential treatments;
- Any trips contrary to the advice of a medical practitioner or for the purpose of receiving medical or surgical treatment;
- Medical treatment arising from any wilful, malicious or unlawful act;
- Any pre-existing condition prior to the policy purchase;
- Engaging in a sport in a professional capacity or where you would or could earn income or remuneration from engaging in such sport;
- Suicide or intentional self-inflicted injury;
- Injury as a result of insanity or the influence of alcohol or drugs;
- Incident caused by pregnancy, childbirth, or miscarriage;
- Diseases arising from HIV and/or AIDS.
- Incident as a result of war;
- Ionizing radiation from nuclear fuel.
No excesses are applied to the SCB China Medical Card.
Is there any age limit for the SCB China Medical Card?
Yes, age limit of the Insured Person is 18 to 70.
Is there any time limit per trip?
Yes, the time limit per trip is 100 days with unlimited trips during the period covered in the insurance plan.
Can a Mainland China citizen purchase the Card?
Must the Insured use an appointed hospital in order to be reimbursed for medical expenses?
Not necessarily. In admission to an appointed hospital, the insured is not required to pay the deposit guarantee and the medical expenses. If the insured enters a non-appointed hospital, he/she will have to pay the medical expenses first and, upon returning to Hong Kong, lodge a claim with the insurance company for reimbursement.
Does the Personal Accident section cover medical expenses?
No. The Personal Accident section provides benefits for death, or injury, permanent disablement, and loss of limbs or sight within 12 months caused by an accident. The related medical expenses shall be payable according to the scope of coverage and benefit limit under the "Medical Benefit" section.
Is it necessary to file a report with the police if the Medical Card is lost?
Not necessary. Please contact us to re-issue a replacement card for a charge of HK$100.
Tips for Filing a Claim
Please note the following and submit the required supporting documents when filing a claim:
- Medical expenses
- Provide the original medical report and receipts of charges showing the patient's name, date of consultation, diagnosis and expenses
- Provide the police report or other reports issued by the local authorities
- Personal accident
- Complete and return the Claim Form as soon as possible with details of the incident and the extent of the injury
- Provide the original medical report showing the patient's name, date of consultation, and diagnosis
- Provide the police report or other reports issued by the local authorities
- Legal liability to third party – bodily injury and/or property damage due to an accident
- Record the name and contact details of the injured person so that the Insurer can contact the injured person later
- Record the name and contact details of the witness, if any, so that the Insurer can contact the witness later
- Provide the police file reference number if the case has been reported to the police
- Do not admit any liability or offer a settlement ,no matter who is liable
- Complete and return the Claim Form to us as soon as possible with details of the incident and a description of the property damage and/or bodily injury, if any
Claims Service Hotline
(852) 2290 3560
- The general insurance product is underwritten by Paofoong Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited ("Paofoong Insurance"). Paofoong Insurance is authorized and regulated by the Insurance Authority to carry on general insurance business in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
- Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited ("The Bank") is the Appointed Insurance Agency (Insurance Agency License Number FA3130) of Paofoong Insurance, and the general insurance product is a product of Paofoong Insurance but not the Bank. Profoong Insurance reserves the right to decide at its sole discretion to accept or decline any application of the general insurance plan.
- Paofoong Insurance is a subsidiary of the Bank.
- The Bank and Paofoong Insurance reserve the right to amend or terminate the terms and conditions for the relevant premium discount without prior notice to customers. In case of any disputes, the decision of the Bank and Paofoong Insurance shall be final.
- The above information is for reference only and is intended to be distributed in Hong Kong only, it shall not be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer or recommendation to purchase or sale or provision of any products of Paofoong Insurance outside Hong Kong and will not constitute any part of the insurance policy document. Please refer to the policy document and provision issued by Paofoong Insurance for detailed terms and conditions, scope of coverage, exclusions and premium of this insurance plan.
- In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) between the Bank and the customer arising out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the product shall be resolved directly between the customer and Paofoong Insurance.
- In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the above information, the English version shall prevail.
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