

Shacom Pay

Collect Money

How will I know if someone sends me money?
If you have registered Shacom Pay, once there is money being received and collected, the money will be deposited to your bank account directly and you will receive push notification from Shacom Pay mobile application you registered with. You can also check your account record and balance from time to time.
How can my friend(s) send me money even I did not install Shacom Pay?
Even you did not install and register for Shacom Pay or any FPS Addressing service, payers can still be able to make payments to your bank account through FPS service providers by inputting your bank account number. Money will be directly deposited to your bank account.
How can I know if the money has been deposited into my account?
You can enquire the status of the transaction anytime under "Transaction Details" in Shacom Pay. Once your money has been collected/ deposited in your bank account, the status will change to "Completed". You can also refer to your account's transaction history to check if the money has been deposited into your account.
Is it possible for me to identify the sender when I receive money?
Sender's partially masked name would be displayed for your reference in "Transaction Details".
Can my contact person(s) still send me money if I uninstalled Shacom Pay mobile application?
You can still receive money even if you uninstalled Shacom Pay. Payers can still be able to make payments to your bank account through FPS service providers by inputting your mobile number as long as the FPS Addressing Service has not yet been cancelled.

However, you can no longer pay or request money via Shacom Pay.