
Corporate Internet Banking


Cash Management

What are the major categories of the Cash Management functions?
Cash Management functions mainly provide the following services:
  • Enquire latest transaction and real time balance
  • Download online statement
  • Enquire interest rate and foreign currency exchange rate
  • Fixed Deposits
  • Other Customer Service Requests.
What are the minimum deposit amount for performing fixed deposit placement?
For Fixed Deposit
Currency Minimum Fixed
Deposit Amount
HKD 1,000.00
USD 5,000.00
GBP 5,000.00
AUD 10,000.00
NZD 10,000.00
CAD 10,000.00
CHF 10,000.00
JPY 1,000,000.00
EUR 5,000.00
How can I receive my ordered cheque book/paid cheque photocopy/ statement?
It will be delivered to you by mail.