The individual instructions or notes would be provided to the user who performs the transaction through the CIB system.
In general, the things you should know are as follow:
Service Hours and Cut-off Time
In general, the CIB system is 24 hours turnaround, however, different types of transaction may have different cut-off time. You may contact our Customer Service Officer at (852) 2818-0282.
Remark: Transaction cut-off time is based on Hong Kong time and our computer’s record time.
User Operation
In the CIB system, different users may have different access rights and the users may perform the authorized task(s) only. For details, please refer to the user guide and other related documents (such as FAQ, etc.)
Security Notes and System Requirement
We provide efficient system and network security, which include:
- SSL (Secure Socket Layer) with 128-bit encryption and Firewalls
- Strong User Identity Authentication with security device
- Compulsory change of password upon first time logon
- Automatic logoff after the inactivity of system for 30 minutes
Although we provide the above technology and policy to enhance our security level, the users should also ensure that their computers are safe and always use Internet banking properly.
More Internet Security Info
System Requirement