Fund Transfer Alert
When making fund transfer, please pay attention to the following:
- During the transaction
Please make sure that the information of payee (e.g., name, account number, Proxy ID, etc.) and the transaction amount are correct, before confirming the transaction.
- After the transaction
After transferring money, please check and keep the transaction record for reference when necessary.
- Mis-transferred Fund FROM Your Account
If you accidentally transfer money to an unintended payee, please visit our website to download and complete the "Return of Mis-transferred Fund Request Form" and return it to us. If you have any queries, please contact us.
- Mis-transferred Fund TO Your Account
If there is a claim for return of a mis-transferred fund into your account, please check and confirm with us. Please be reminded that if the fund is proved to be a wrong transfer to your account but it is not returned by you, you may be criminally liable.